COLOR AND TIME (2012-2014)

During the week, I work finishing picture frames in Richmond. Before work, I drive from my house in Martinez to my studio in Crockett.  To get there, I take Highway 4 to Cummings Skyway along which is a stunning view of the Crockett Hills, the Bay and Mt. Tam.  Although I always see this view at the same time of day, the colors of the landscape change dramatically throughout the year.  As I watch the light change and the grass dry up and turn green again, I witness the variability of color.  I try to remember what I saw, but when I arrive at my studio some five minutes later, I struggle to recreate what I witnessed.  I wouldn't consider myself a landscape painter or a colorist.  My interest is in the way the sun fades the grass, or hides behind a cloud, the relationship between color and time.